Welcome to sempler’s documentation!

Sempler allows you to generate generate semi-synthetic data with known causal ground truth but distributions closely resembling those of a real data set of choice. It is one of the software contributions of the paper “Characterization and Greedy Learning of Gaussian Structural Causal Models under Unknown Interventions” by Juan L. Gamella, Armeen Taeb, Christina Heinze-Deml and Peter Bühlmann. You can find more details in Appendix F of the paper.

If you find this code useful, please consider citing::

  title={Characterization and Greedy Learning of Gaussian Structural Causal Models under Unknown Interventions},
  author={Gamella, Juan L. and Taeb, Armeen and Heinze-Deml, Christina and B\"uhlmann, Peter},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.14897},


Sempler allows you to generate purely synthetic data from general structural causal models with additive noise. Two classes are defined for this purpose.

  • sempler.ANM is for general (acyclic) additive noise SCMs. Any assignment function is possible, as are the distributions of the noise terms.

  • sempler.LGANM is for linear Gaussian SCMs. While this is also possible with sempler.ANM, this class simplifies the interface and offers the additional functionality of sampling “in the population setting”, i.e. by returning a symbolic gaussian distribution (see sempler.LGANM.sample() and sempler.NormalDistribution).

The semi-synthetic data generation procedure is implemented in the class sempler.DRFNet. For now, only an R implementation of distributional random forests [2] is available. Thus, to run the procedure you will need some additional dependencies:

  • an R installation; you can find an installation guide here

  • the R package drf, which you can install by typing install.packages("drf") in an R terminal

  • the Python package rpy2>=3.4.1 (you can automatically install it by running pip install sempler[DRFNet])

To allow for random generation of SCMs and interventional distributions, the module sempler.generators contains functions to sample random DAGs and intervention targets.


[1] Gamella, J.L, Taeb, A., Heinze-Deml, C., & Bühlmann, P. (2022). Characterization and greedy learning of Gaussian structural causal models under unknown noise interventions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.14897, 2022.


Sempler is still at its infancy and its API is subject to change. Non backward-compatible changes to the API are reflected by a change to the minor or major version number, e.g.

code written using sempler==0.1.2 will run with sempler==0.1.3, but may not run with sempler==0.2.0.


Sempler is open-source and shared under a BSD 3-Clause License. You can find the source code in the GitHub repository.


Feedback is most welcome! You can add an issue in sempler’s repository or send an email.

About the Name

Structural causal models are sometimes referred to in the literature as structural equation models, or SEMs. The name sempler comes from SEM sampler.

Indices and tables